Admissions Policy

Admission Policy

The child care center shall accept only children who are at a stage of growth and development which enables them to benefit from its program, and for whose age level the center is staffed and equipped to provide care.

The child care center shall not admit or maintain any child whose needs it obviously cannot meet or whose behavior would be dangerous for other children in the center. Explicit, documented reasons for refusal to admit or provide care to child shall be provided in written form to parents.

There shall be no discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex national origin, or handicap.

Hours of Operation

The child care center is opened from 6:00am to 6:00pm Mondays thru Fridays.

Authorization for Child’s Release

Children will be released only to parents or a person named by the parent. Parents or persons named by the parents must make sure that a staff member is aware of the child’s arrival and departure. Parents shall sign the child in and out by name and time of arrival and departure.

Court Order

If a court order exists preventing a particular individual fro having contact with a child, the center shall comply with the order. There shall be a copy of the order in the child’s file.

Emergency Medical Authorization

I agree, and by my signature, give consent, that in any case of an accident, injury, or illness of a serous nature, my child will be given emergency medical care. I understand that I will be contacted immediately, or as soon as possible should I be away from the phone numbers given with this application.

Extracurricular Activities

In the event of extracurricular activities, I understand that I will be informed prior to the activities and will sign written permission for my child to participate.

Payment Plan

Payment is due in advance on Monday of the current week when paying weekly, the first Monday in a two week period when paying every other week.

Meal Plan

Breakfast will be offered to children who are In attendance at the center before 8:00am. a morning snack, lunch, and an afternoon snack will be served daily.

Parent Conference/Communication Policy

Parent-teacher will be scheduled as needs or at parent’s request. In addition, teachers are always available for on-going communication and parents are always welcome at any time to observe our program.

Health Examination

A health examination including immunization is required for each child before admission to the center on the forms provided. Immunization must be kept current for all children at all times while in attendance at the school.

Discipline Policy

The center uses a positive disciplinary approach with children. Teachers and caregivers communicate to the children using positive statements, encouraging children with adult support, to use their own words fostering problem solving and conflict resolution. Teachers communicate with children at an eye level and speak with them in a calm manner about behaviors that are appropriate and acceptable at the center. Recurring disciplinary problem will addressed with parents and documented in the child’s record.

Program Description

The program provides developmentally appropriate activities for children. Weekly lesson plans are written and posted for parents to review. Children are provided time to choose their own activities and work independently In learning centers. Teachers and caregivers serve as facilitators to enhance the children’s choice.

Policy about children left at the center after closing time

Students must be picked up at the regular scheduled closing time of 6:00pm promptly at 6:01pm, a $15 per child late fee will be assessed to your account and an additional $1 per minute will be added thereafter until your child is picked up from the center. If any child is not picked up with 30 minutes of closing time, Protective Services will be contacted to pick up your child. A phone call does not excuse the late fee.

Policy about reporting suspected child abuse

The child care center is required by law to report any suspected child abuse or neglect to child protective services.

Confidentiality Policy

All information pertaining to admission, health, family or discharge of a child is confidential.

Child illness Policy

Children who are ill will not be allowed to attend the program. If your child becomes ill while at the center, parents will be contacted to pick up their child. If you cannot be reached, someone from you emergency contacts will be contacted. Your child may not return to the center until he/she is symptom free for 24hrs.

Policy on Release of a child to an intoxicated or impaired Person

If an authorized intoxicated or impaired person insist on removing children from the center, the center shall immediately report the incident to the local police agency.

Policy on Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, Illegal Substances

The use of tobacco, possession of alcohol, illegal substances, firearms and elicit lyrics to music played in vehicles on the property is prohibited.

E- Signature

Please confirm that you have ready through our policy and its entirety. By signing you are agreeing to said policies.